Emirates Diplomatic Academy offers training to Ethiopian diplomats
Addis Ababa, April 14, 2021 (FBC) – United Arab Emirates Diplomatic Academy is giving a three days training to Ethiopian diplomats working in Ministry of Foreign Affairs at several levels.
Some 21 Ethiopian diplomats in the Foreign Ministry are receiving the virtual training organized by Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy in partnership with the Ethiopian Foreign Service Training Institute on a topic entitled “Combating violence and extremism፣ intercultural awareness፣ international cooperation፣ cultural diplomacy and youth empowerment”.
The training heralds the decisive chapter in the onset of newly established partnership between the two institutes.
The training is expected to add an impetus to the efforts the Ethiopian diplomatic community is exerting to defend the national interests of the country.
In his opening remarks on the occasion, Ethiopian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Suleman Dedefo highlighted the thriving relationship between the two countries expressing gratitude to the institute for the training.