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Embassies of various countries extend 127th Adwa Victory greetings to Ethiopians

Addis Ababa, March 2, 2023 (FBC) – Embassies of various countries based in Addis Ababa have extended greetings of the 127th Victory of Adwa to Ethiopians.

Ambassador of Russia to Ethiopia Evgeny Terekhin has sent his congratulatory message to Ethiopians on the 127th Anniversary of Adwa Victory

“Evidently, the events of the 2nd of March, 1896, hold a special place in the history of not only the Ethiopian state but whole Africa. On this day, 127 years ago, Ethiopians from all parts of the then Abyssinian Empire joined in unison to fight a fierce battle against the Italian invaders, “blessed” by the other European powers at the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 to establish colonial division and control of Africa,” Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin said.

“Having ended in crushing debacle for the Italians, the Battle of Adwa entered the annals of Ethiopian history, marking the tremendous victory of the African people over the European army. Ethiopians’ victory at the Battle of Adwa became the logical outcome of the war with Italy, which had treacherously deceived Ethiopia by deliberately creating a semantic difference between the Amharic and Italian versions of the Treaty of Wuchale.”

“The heroism and dedication of the Ethiopian people as well as the strong leadership of Menelik II and his army commanders determined the outcome of the general battle. In October 1896, a peace treaty was signed in Addis Ababa, forcing Italy to recognize Ethiopia’s full independence,” he said.

The Battle of Adwa is an outstanding example of the bravery, courage, strength, and unity of the Ethiopian people, which cast doubt on the invincibility of European armies and served as a source of encouragement and a lodestar for all African peoples in the struggle for their independence from the yoke of colonialism, Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin added.

Victor Trevino, Ambassador of Mexico to Ethiopia, said in a tweet “Ethiopians are celebrating the 127th Victory of Adwa. For that important reason I wish all Ethiopians a Happy Celebration,”

“Both Ethiopians and Mexicans have similar history. The battles of Adwa and Puebla are reminders of the struggles that we have overcome, through committed and sustained work, to build independent countries with justice, peace and prosperity,” he added.

The friendship ties between Mexico and Ethiopia go back to 1936, when Mexico strongly condemned the invasion of Ethiopia at the League of Nations and supported its independence.

Ambassador of China to Ethiopia, Zhao Zhiyuan, stated that the Adwa Victory is the symbol of Ethiopian unity and the freedom of the Ethiopian people.

Adwa is also a victory day for all black people around the world, he added, wishing all Ethiopia a Happy Anniversary of the Victory Day.

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all the staffs also wish all Ethiopians a Happy Adwa Victory Day.

Embassies of the U.S. and the Netherlands have also delivered their best wishes for all Ethiopians on the occasion of the celebration of the Adwa Victory.

By: Wondesen Aregahegn

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