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Efforts in progress to manufacture EVs spare components in Ethiopia – Ministry

Addis Ababa, July 1, 2024 (FBC) – In a move to support local industries and reduce reliance on imported parts, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Industry has announced plans to manufacture electric vehicle components by local manufacturing companies.

It is indicated that this initiative aims to promote the adoption of electric vehicles in Ethiopia and combat air pollution.

The Ministry of Industry has joined forces with the Ministry of Transport and Logistics and other relevant stakeholders to develop a strategy document outlining the adoption of electric vehicles in Ethiopia.

This strategy document, crafted jointly by the Ministry of Transport and Logistics and the Minister of Industry, was presented today to the Steering and Technical Committee in the presence of the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Alemu Sime.

The goal of this strategy is to increase the number of electric vehicles in Ethiopia, ultimately saving costs associated with fuel imports. To achieve this objective, work is underway on infrastructure development and other activities, starting from policy formulation, the State Minister noted.

Mr. Hasen Mohammed emphasized that efforts are being made to ensure that electric vehicle components are manufactured by local manufacturing industries.

The government is also facilitating experience exchange programs for local manufacturing industries, allowing them to learn from leading and experienced countries in utilizing EV components manufacturing technology.

This initiative aims to support the growth of the local industry and promote the adoption of electric vehicles in Ethiopia, ultimately reducing the reliance on imported parts and promoting sustainability.

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