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Consortium urges Ethiopian Diaspora to unite, extend support

Addis Ababa August 13, 2021 (FBC) -The Ethiopian Diaspora Associations Consortium has called on the diaspora to stand united and use the right channels to support Ethiopia.

Briefing the media on the current situation of the country today, Ethiopian Diaspora Associations Consortium Chairperson Sosina Wogayehu said the diaspora communities are responding enthusiastically to the National Call made to fight the terrorist group TPLF.

Although many are extending support individually and as groups to the call, however, the support should be organized and made through the right channels, she added.

According to her, a number of Ethiopians in the diaspora are being cheated by some rogues manipulating the patriotism of Ethiopians as the diaspora are not well organized and integrated.

The chairperson noted that the diaspora have to be strengthen their unity to defend the country on global forums, including the foreign media.

Sosina further stressed the diaspora have the responsibility to assist the government financially by sending money through the right and legal channels.

“We call all on the diaspora communities around the world to support the government financially, socially and beyond. We also want to tell the communities that there are swindlers who raise and siphon off money by exploiting people that support GERD and other worthy causes. We are, therefore, advising the diaspora to use the right channel to make donations.”

It is very critical that the diaspora come together to support the country, she stated.

Oromia Diaspora Association Secretary-General, Mosa Sheko said Ethiopia will overcome this situation and peace will prevail in the country even if the time is very challenging for Ethiopians all over the world.

There is a desire by both internal and external enemies to make Ethiopia a place of war, crisis and conflicts, he said, adding that Ethiopians should stand firm and refuse to succumb to external intervention over the internal affairs.

Mosa also urged the diaspora community to stop external actors interfering in the internal affairs of the country and prove that Ethiopians can and will solve their own problems.

The secretary-general pointed out that “we have to use the media to debate on our realty and sort out differences and bring shame upon our enemies that are happy when we are at war and in crisis.”

Ethiopian Diaspora Associations Consortium is a coalition of 12 diaspora associations that aim to facilitate the contribution of the diaspora for development, according to ENA.

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