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Climate change-resilient wheat value chain dev’t project launched

Addis Ababa, May 20, 2024 (FBC) – A project focused on developing a climate change-resilient wheat value chain has been unveiled in the Afar region.

The initiative is designed to enhance wheat productivity and empower farmers to elevate their livelihoods by boosting their income within the sector.

Furthermore, it has been outlined that the project will be implemented across 76 woredas primarily situated in the regions of Afar, Somali, Oromia, and Amhara.

During the event, Minister of Agriculture Girma Amente highlighted Ethiopia’s significant capacity to cultivate wheat not only during summer and winter but also throughout other seasons.

He emphasized the remarkable progress made in wheat cultivation over the past five years.

Awol Arba, the chief administrator of Afar region, underscored ongoing endeavors aimed at bolstering food security at both household and national levels while successfully replacing imported wheat products with locally produced alternatives.

He further emphasized that the project plays a crucial role in enhancing the livelihoods of pastoralists and semi-pastoralists residing in the Afar region.

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