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Cities need to be prepared for the future with a focus on dignified living for citizens – PM

Addis Ababa, August 31, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopia’s urban development endeavors need to be undertaken for the future with a focus on dignified living for the citizens, according to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

PM Abiy Ahmed made this remark during a recognition ceremony to the leadership of Addis Ababa Corridor Development Project and the city administration, along with the institutions and individuals who contributed to successful completion of corridor development works.

On the occasion, the Prime Minister also officially launched the beginning of the second phase of corridor development works.

In his remarks at the event, the Prime Minister stated: “We need to prepare our cities for the future with a focus on dignified living for our citizens. Urbanization will continue to be a growing trend, but we have all the tools necessary to create sustainable cities.”

PM Abiy extended his appreciation to everyone involved in the corridor development works in the capital. “Today’s recognition reflects the hard work and dedication you have shown in creating a better urban environment for our people,” he asserted.

“We have learned many lessons from the first phase, and now we look forward to the second phase, aiming to enhance what we’ve accomplished with continued growth and ethical considerations.”

Announcing the launch of the second phase of the corridor development works today, he stressed that it’s important to remember that the country’s urban areas development and maintenance will continue beyond this milestone.

Additionally, the current corridor leads will assist the mayors of eleven other cities across the country as we expand this necessary initiative, the premier added.

The event was attended among others by First Lady Zinash Tayachew, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Truneh, Speaker of House of Federation Mr. Agegnehu Teshager, Ministers Mayors and invited guestss.

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