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China reiterates commitment to collaboration for Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway success

Addis Ababa, May 14, 2024 (FBC) – China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Mr. Wang Wenbin, has reiterated China’s commitment to continuing its collaboration with Ethiopia and Djibouti to ensure the ongoing success of the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway.

Emphasizing the importance of this railway as the first standard gauge electrified transnational railway in East Africa and a flagship project of Belt and Road cooperation between China, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, Mr. Wenbin highlighted the positive impact of the railway on local job creation and enhanced connectivity between the two countries.

Since its operation, the railway has created over 55,000 local jobs, greatly boosted connectivity between Ethiopia and Djibouti and injected strong impetus into economic and social development of the two countries, the Spokesperson asserted.

“As we in China often say, it is more important to teach people how to fish than just giving them fish. The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway is the best example in this regard. China not only worked with Ethiopia and Djibouti to build a modern railway, but also trained and accredited more than 2,800 local workers in the past six years, helping to build a capable local team,” he said.

The recent handover ceremony marked the successful completion of the Chinese team’s participation in the operation and maintenance of the railway, signifying a new phase where the African team assumes full responsibility for its operation.

Mr. Wenbin affirmed China’s dedication to fostering prosperity, mutually beneficial cooperation, and high-quality Belt and Road collaboration between China and Africa through the continued success of this significant railway project.

Recall that the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) and China Railway Engineering Corporation (China Railway) recently handed over management of the 752km line to Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway Share Company (EDR) after years of training its staff.

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