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CHFF Vows to continue support for women living with obstetric fistula in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, June 15, 2023 (FBC) – Dr. Lia Tadesse, Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, met with Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation (CHFF) board chair Julie White, Chief Executive Officer of CHFF, Carolyn Hardy and Mengistu Asnake Senior Country Director of Pathfinder International Ethiopia.

CHFF’s mission is supporting Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia’s work to treat women with obstetric fistula and ultimately eliminate it, Dr. Lia said in her social media post.

The Minister of Health expressed her gratitude for the unwavering commitment of CHFF in mobilizing funds to support and enhance the great work of Hamlin Fistula Centers in the different regions and the new Project Zero initiative to eliminate fistula in Ethiopia.

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