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AUC Chairperson calls for innovative, sustainable solutions towards empowerment of African women

Addis Ababa March 8, 2023 (FBC) – In his Message of the International Women’s Day, Chairperson of the African Union Commission Mousa Faki Mahamat calls for innovative and sustainable solutions towards the empowerment of African women.

He said this year’s International Women’s Day with AU Member States is a milestone to the continental organ which launched the implementation Roadmap of the African Women’s Decade on Financial and Economic Inclusion 2020-2030 and its programmatic flagship, the AU Women and Youth Financial and Economic Inclusion 2030 Initiative.

He added that the African Women’s Decade calls for innovative and sustainable solutions towards the empowerment of African women while the Initiative recognizes digitization at the core of the financial inclusion agenda.

He stated that with this year’s theme “Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality 20 Years of Maputo Protocol, aligned with several AUC priorities maximizes e-tech dividends for women as a means to contribute to women’s sustainable development through increased women and girls’ equal and effective participation in the technology space.

The African Union is delighted to join the global community to celebrate the formidable contribution that women have made in Innovation and technological transformation, the Chairperson stated.

According to him this International Women’s Day is also particularly significant in that 2023 marks important milestones at the Continental and global levels in pursuit towards Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE).

He says at the Continental level; AU is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, popularly known as the Maputo Protocol.

It is clear to me that Innovation and Technology are key accelerators for development on the Continent, and more particularly through the pioneering contributions past and present, made by women in this field, It is therefore my wish that we look at critical ways to bridge the gender digital divide and make women, particularly young women and girls, as a priority constituency in this developmental sector of the future to achieve Gender Equality in Africa and beyond, AU Chairperson disclosed.

By: Yonathan Yoseph

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