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AU Commission Chairperson sends condolences to governments, peoples of Turkiye and Syria

Addis Ababa February 7, 2023 (FBC) –  The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat expresses his deep shock and sorrow, alongside the world community, with the governments and peoples of Türkiye and Syria, as the extreme magnitude of the catastrophic earthquake that occurred in both countries, becomes apparent, according to AU.

The Chairperson reiterates the deepest condolences to, and strong solidarity of the African Union and the African Continent, with the families of the victims and the governments and peoples of Türkiye and Syria, AU stated.

AU added that the Chairperson further welcomes the global outpouring of solidarity and support for the Turkish and Syrian peoples during this time of unimaginable tragedy.

Regarding the commission’s initiatives the Chairperson, according to AU reiterates the determination of the African Union to continue with its efforts to restore peace, security and stability on the Continent though inclusive dialogue and mediation efforts, in close collaboration with Member States, Regional Economic Communities, AU-led Youth and Women mediation mechanisms and other stakeholders.

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