Hygiene needs to be first line of defence against COVID-19: WaterAid

Addis Ababa, May 15, 2020 (FBC) – WaterAid, a non-governmental organisation, said hygiene needs to be the first line of defence against COVID-19 in the 73rd World Health Assembly.

The Assembly is to convene over zoom on 18 May 2020 at which health ministers of World Health Organization (WHO) Member States will discuss several issues of importance.

In a statement sent to FBC today, WaterAid said the international response must prioritise delivering adequate support for the provision of vital water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services, particularly handwashing with soap to prevent people from COVID-19 and similar contagious pandemics.

The resolution proposed by European Union on the ‘COVID-19 response’ currently lacks any reference to the critical issue of access to safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in responding to the pandemic, it noted.

WaterAid raises its concern that this fundamental tool for prevention has to be given due emphasis in both political decisions and funding for COVID-19 response.

WaterAid requested the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia to address this critical gap in the Assembly by including water and handwashing as fundamental to prevention and protection.

WHO and UNICEF estimate that globally 3 billion people lack soap and water at home, and 40% of health care facilities are not equipped to practice hand hygiene at points of care. Access to soap and water at home and health facilities in Ethiopia is even worse, WaterAid indicated.

“The World Health Assembly’s (WHA) efforts to tackle COVID-19, therefore, require a comprehensive package including preventive, protective and curative interventions, with WASH at the centre especially for low- and middle-income countries,” the organization said.

Good hygiene is especially crucial as a vital first line of defence as frontline health workers and the most at-risk communities wait for the development of a vaccine.

Investing in WASH now is one of the few most important actions WHA Member States must take to confront COVID-19, WaterAid underscored

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