Unison Corporate inaugurates food oil factory built at 1.5bln Birr

Addis Ababa, November 13, 2022 (FBC) – The Amhara region president, Yilkal Kefale, inaugurated Unison Food Oil Plant, built at a cost of 1.5 billion birr in Bahir Dar city.

The food oil plant has officially commenced production following its inauguration.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by other senior regional government officials and residents of Bahir Dar City.

The entire construction and machine installation work of the factory was carried out by Ethiopian experts.

The factory is said to have the capacity to produce more than 30,000 liters of food oil per day.

It has been pointed out that the food oil factory uses soybeans, wool, sesame, nuggets, nuts and other oilseeds as inputs.

It was indicated at the inauguration ceremony that the factory will contribute to solving the food oil supply shortage of the community.

The factory, owned by UNISON Corporate, has created employment opportunities for more than 100 permanent and more than 80 temporary workers.

It was stated that this food oil plant will create better employment opportunities in the future.

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