UN reiterates continued support for humanitarian, rehabilitation efforts in Tigray

Addis Ababa, June 5, 2021 (FBC) – The resident humanitarian coordinator of the UN to Ethiopia, Dr. Catherine Sozi reiterated the commitment of the organizations to support Ethiopia in addressing challenges in the delivery of aid and rehabilitation of the displaced in Tigray region.

Dr. Catherine called for concerted efforts of the international community to address demands in supply of shelter, health care services and education and restoration of the infrastructure.

She appreciated commitment of the government of Ethiopia in creating a joint platform to jointly assess challenges in the delivery of humanitarian aid across the region.

The recent High-Level Meeting between officials of Ethiopia, UN Agencies and other international organizations has brought the international communities together and enabled all actors to assess the progress and identify challenges that need further collaboration, she remarked.

The progress being registered by the government of Ethiopia in the delivery of health care services, food, and water and sanitation and agricultural inputs is commendable, the coordinator stated. “We see many trucks delivering water and other services to several areas in the region” Dr. Catherine noted.

“We need to solidify the partnership between the Ethiopian government and the international partners for the results we want to see are the same” she said.

Dr. Sozi appreciated the federal government for addressing major humanitarian issues and facilitating conducive atmosphere for international organizations operating in the region.

She further expressed hope that the joint investigation being undertaking by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) into alleged human rights issues in the region will bring better results.

She appreciated the commitment of the government of Ethiopia to follow the approach of zero tolerance towards any human rights abuses.

“We, the international community are working with the government to address the same issues. We understand that the resource gaps are still very much huge. Because all the needs among the people have not yet been met”

The international community has provide 500 million USD to the humanitarian response in Tigray region since December, Dr. Catherine said, stressing need to further collaboration between all actors to better address the demand.

“We need to work very closely together; the government and the international community in providing health services, rebuilding health care institutions such as hospital and clinics and reconstructing water and sanitation facilities.” Dr. Catherine said.

By: Wondesen Aregahegn

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