Trump expands travel ban to include six new countries

Addis Ababa, February 1, 2020 (FBC) -The Trump administration on Friday announced an expansion of the travel ban to include six new countries.

Immigration restrictions will be imposed on Nigeria, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar, with exceptions for immigrants who have helped the US.

The latest iteration comes three years after President Donald Trump signed the first travel ban.

The announcement also comes at the end of a major week for Trump with the signing of the USMCA trade deal and expected acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial.

The updated ban has already sparked controversy over its targeting of African countries with lawmakers and advocates calling the changes discriminatory and without merit.

The administration has argued that the travel ban is vital to national security and ensures countries meet US security needs, by requiring a certain level of identity management and information sharing requirements.

Source: CNN

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