Trilateral discussion on GERD to resume over weekend

Trilateral discussion on GERD to resume over weekend

Addis Ababa, April 1, 2021 (FBC) -The trilateral discussion on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is expected to resume over the coming weekend, said the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy.

The meeting will be held under the Chairmanship of the new AU Chair, the DRC and based on the invitations extended by the Chair to Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Water of the three countries.

According to Dr Seleshi Bekele, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, experts from AU and the three countries as well as observers are expected to attend the meeting.

In a related development, the Minister congratulated all Ethiopians on the occasion of the 10th year anniversary of the dam.

“Greetings to all Ethiopians and happy anniversary for the 10th year of the commencement of the construction of the GERD: Your dam is now 79% complete,” he tweeted.

“We are committed to peace, fair and reasonable utilization of the basin,” he said.

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