Thousands in cities, towns of Oromia take to streets to denounce TPLF, Shene groups

Addis Ababa, November 5, 2021 (FBC) – Thousands of residents of towns and cities of Oromia Region are denouncing the terrorist groups TPLF and OLF-Shene in a pro-government rallies taking place since early morning on Friday.

Adama, Shashemene, Legetafo, Sebeta, Jimma, Dukem, Nekemte are among the towns and cities that are hosting huge demonstrations denouncing atrocities being committed by the terrorist groups against innocent civilians.

The demonstrators said the terrorist groups are working around the clock to dismantle Ethiopia, pledging continued support to the government in bringing an end to the renegade groups.

They also vowed readiness to join the survival campaign and bury the terrorist groups once and for all and ensure peace and development in the nation.

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