The next generation deserves healthier environment, prosperous country – Deputy PM

Addis Ababa, July 3, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Temesgen Truneh, stated that the next generation deserves a better natural environment and a prosperous country.

The Deputy Prime Minister made this remark during the launch of a climate change response plan implementation, dubbed as “National Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Plan”, in Addis Ababa earlier today.

In his remarks, Mr. Temesgen highlighted that the primary objective of the Green Legacy initiative is to address climate change and promote green development in Ethiopia and across the region. “The Green Legacy represents our initial concrete step in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development.”

He underscored that climate change is currently one of the most pressing global issues.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that Ethiopia’s climate-friendly wheat production program has allowed the nation to adapt to the impacts of climate change and effectively respond when such challenges arise.

On the other hand, Mr. Temesgen also highlighted the significance of renewable energy, stating that it has changed his country from relying on non-renewable sources of energy to renewable ones.

He called upon all Ethiopians and partners to join forces in the spirit of unity, ensuring that the climate and environmental policies and plans formulated by the country are properly implemented.

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