Supporting TPLF adds fuel to recurring conflicts in Horn of Africa: Somali President

Addis Ababa, November 12, 2021 (FBC) – In a recent statement, President of the Somali Region, Mustafa Omer said the west chose to side with a petulant and militarist minority in Ethiopia, the terrorist TPLF Group.

“In doing so, supporters of TPLF are adding fuel to the recurring conflicts in the Horn of Africa. Misdiagnosing problems and offering wrong solutions is not new to the West. From Vietnam to Afghanistan, Latin America to the Sahel and Libya, history recorded reckless Western policies resulting in untold human misery and tragedies” he said.

If human rights is the yardstick of who is the victim and who is the villain, the TPLF is the worst abuser having committed all kinds of crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing against Somalis, Oromos, Amharas, Gambellas and other nationalities in Ethiopia for decades, Mustafa said.

If democracy is what matters to the West, in TPLF they have a supremacist cult that does not allow dissent even within its ranks let alone the general population it claims to represent and those others it considers inferior, Mustafa noted.

But then again the support the West provided to Pinochet of Chile, Mobutu of Zaire and many other violators of human rights, was never about anything other than “safeguarding” national interest.

“In most cases, what at the time was myopically seen as national interest later haunted them as national threat and shame. Trying to ride the TPLF horse against over 130 million people in the Horn of Africa will not yield a different result. The minority fascists can’t win,” He said.


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