Addis Ababa, February 3, 2025 (Prosperity Party ) – It is with great joy and pride that we announce the successful conclusion of the 2nd Ordinary Congress of our Party, which was held under the theme “From Pledge to Practice” for three consecutive days from January 31 to February 2, 2025, in our beautiful city of Addis Ababa. This event marks a time of transformative progress for our Party, showcasing the power of our thoughts and imagination in concrete actions, reflecting the significant efforts of our leaders to modernize our Party, and celebrating the unity and diversity of our people, all while striving for the freedom of Africans and the black peoples of the world. Since January 31 to February 2, 2025, we have witnessed the unity of thought and action essential for turning debt into profit, ensuring the progressive development of our country, and safeguarding the independence and impartiality of our democracy, justice, and law enforcement institutions. Our economy has exhibited remarkable growth, improving utilization of national resources and increasing overall production and productivity by more than 7 percent. Our focus on human-centered development, housing initiatives, a culture of community assistance, and a diplomatic approach rooted in respect for our national interests have together fortified our capacity and determination to achieve our future aspirations for universal prosperity.
Prior to this regular Congress, we conducted pre-Congress gatherings across our nation, beginning at the grassroots level. These meetings allowed the entire leadership and membership to engage in comprehensive discussions regarding our Party’s achievements, challenges, and ideas for the future. This extensive organization and political engagement ensured a democratic process, resulting in high-quality outcomes for our Congress. We have reached a clearer understanding not only of our missions for the next three years but also of the strategies necessary to overcome the damages inflicted by ongoing conflicts in certain regions and the adverse impacts of broader regional and international dynamics.
Thus, we, the participants of the Second Congress of the Prosperity Party, hereby affirm the following 8-point position statement with confidence and optimism that our Party will continue to build on the successes achieved in all sectors over the past three years, while effectively addressing our leadership’s shortcomings moving forward:
- Our first Congress emphasized the need for a strong Party, recognizing its fundamental importance for effective governance and a resilient nation. Therefore, in our second Congress, we conducted a careful review of our progress, realizing that our collective political and organizational efforts over the past three years have led our Party to significant advancements ahead of schedule. We are dedicated to transforming Ethiopia’s political culture by striking a balance between cooperation and competition with other political entities, setting an example for other nations.
However, through our pre-Congress discussions, we have also recognized that the pursuit of building a robust, healthy, and effective Party requires ongoing diligence. Thus, we need to enhance our internal party democracy, broaden the scope of influence of our organizations, further modernize our operational systems, and reinforce our Inspection and Ethics Commission at all levels. Our shared goal is to establish a strong Party capable of addressing its shortcomings and effectively leading national initiatives with innovative ideas while coordinating public movements effectively. Over the next three years, we will strive to nurture a robust Party characterized by significant achievements, empowered leaders and members who embody strong discipline and ethics, and an unwavering commitment to realizing the Ethiopian dream as a catalyst for change.
To build this strong Party, we will implement an effective evaluation and assessment system to ensure the integrity of our members, take corrective measures against those who have deviated from ethical standards, and ensure that the recruitment of new members is conducted with excellence and efficiency. We pledge to foster a unity of purpose and history that adapts to contemporary challenges, ensuring structural excellence, political stability, and sustainable results with unwavering determination.
- We, the members of the Prosperity Party, hold a sincere belief that successful institution-building is crucial for effective statecraft. Grounded in this conviction, we have undertaken concrete efforts to establish democracy as an institutional public culture, reinforcing the legitimacy of the state. Consequently, we will continue to strengthen institutional reforms initiated across various sectors and levels, advocating for the establishment of free, independent, and competent institutions to lay a solid foundation for state-building and cultivate a robust democratic culture.
In the past three years, our Party-led government has made significant strides in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country by enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of our national democratic institutions charged with protecting national security. We wholeheartedly support these institutions in serving as reliable guardians of the nation while upholding their independence. We are committed to ensuring that our citizens’ right to justice is thoroughly protected, modernizing our justice system, training qualified professionals, providing swift and dependable services, and maintaining the accountability of the judiciary.
- Our vision is to achieve the prosperity of our country through economic sovereignty, aspiring to create a strong and competitive economy in the near future. We envision an Ethiopia that embodies prosperity, serves as a model for African development, and exerts considerable influence on the global stage. During our summit and pre-summit gatherings, we collectively resolved that every member must engage with enhanced enthusiasm and dedication to bring our vision of national prosperity to fruition.
We commit to vigorously pursue our economic prosperity goals through unity, enhancing our existing capabilities, exploring new sectors, and fostering a creative economy for the future. We aim to construct a sustainable development finance system that will free our country from debt. We will bolster our revenue collection capabilities to meet the rising demands of our population while fostering widespread support for our Green Decade program as a cornerstone of public involvement.
In the upcoming three years, we will work diligently to establish a sound economic framework that facilitates Ethiopia’s comprehensive prosperity through structural transformations in agriculture, industry, tourism, mining, and the digital economy!
- Prosperity Party is committed to ensuring the overall well-being and dignity of its citizens and to ensuring that its social interaction contributes to the building of the nation, with the goal of inclusive social development that ensures overall prosperity. To ensure this, it believes that quality education is a critical resource for the overall excellence of the generation. It also deeply understands the importance of early prevention and treatment of diseases for the construction of a healthy and productive generation. For this reason, in the past few years, a program called “Education for the Generation” was developed under the initiative of our party President Dr. Abiy Ahmed, and in 2024 and 2025 alone, an estimated 39 billion birr of public participation was spent on the development of the education sector.
The government led by our party has prepared and put into operation a new education roadmap. In order to turn this into a tangible result, we will work to strengthen the value-building activities of the generation and to carry out activities that will help the generation to learn tolerance, national unity, brotherhood/sisterhood, and patriotism.
Our congress also observed that excellent quality and accessibility improvement measures have been taken in the health sector, including the expansion of health insurance beneficiaries, hospitals, and health centers. In addition, based on our party’s people-oriented nature, we have ensured that the activities that respect the universal rights and interests of children and the elderly, protect the universal rights, dignity, and safety of the disabled, and support the weak and vulnerable sections of society are being carried out effectively. We have also seen significant progress in ensuring the full participation and benefit of youth and women by strengthening our youth and women’s wings to a greater level than ever before.
Therefore, we will continue to strengthen these social development projects that we have started with great determination in a way that achieves our goals of growth and equitable benefits and ensures social prosperity!
- We believe that in order to strengthen national unity and for our state-building to succeed, divisive arguments must be defeated and a coherent argument must prevail. Therefore, we will work to ensure that nationalism becomes the dominant argument among the elite and the people and that our national unity is strengthened. To further achieve this, we will organize various public discussions that create understanding among our society in all parts of the country and by all alternative means. We will work to build a nationalist narrative through public-to-public dialogues among different communities and to create unity and national unity among peoples.
While preserving media freedom and the right to free expression, we will vigorously fight for the enforcement of the law against those who use the media for conflict, violence, and crime with destructive missions. We pledge to use social media to build a nationalist narrative, for national unity, for knowledge transfer, and to reveal the truth about Ethiopia by involving the entire population.
- Prosperity Party believes that our country’s civil service has not been able to ensure institutional excellence for its age. Therefore, it is not currently undertaking a mass national civil service reform. Instead, its effectiveness is being proven at every level; guided by modern technological capabilities; Our party believes that a civil service should be built free from corruption and malpractice. To this end, it is working with determination and great attention to achieve institutionally based, effective reform.
Despite the efforts initiated to solve the problem sustainably, our congress has reviewed in detail that corruption in service delivery and good governance in various forms and levels is exposing our people to hardship and suffering. Therefore, it has decided to translate the justice system reform that has been initiated to build a justice system that citizens can trust into tangible results. It has also taken a strong stance to improve the government’s implementation and service capacity by implementing the civil service reform quickly.
In addition to waging a strong struggle at every level and in every sector under the leadership of our party to control corruption and malpractice, it has set a direction for the establishment of an effective operating system supported by technology. Therefore, we pledge to work day and night to implement the strong stance taken by our party to carry out effective and proactive reforms, especially in service-providing sectors that are a source of public dissatisfaction, and to implement service adjustment areas through special studies and to increase public satisfaction!
- Our congress has witnessed the successful implementation of our Party’s diplomatic and foreign relations policy in the past years, which has enhanced our national interest and dignity. The tireless struggle and the results achieved to make Ethiopia a member of BRICS are a living demonstration of the age-old ability of our Party and our leaders.
In addition to ensuring that the long-standing issue of the sea port, which has been a generational issue, is given due attention by the international community, we have also highly appreciated the efforts being made to find a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the issue. We have also thoroughly evaluated the benefits of the principle of the dignity of citizens in foreign relations formulated by our Party in protecting the security and dignity of our citizens living abroad. We have explored additional directions that will enable our diplomacy to move away from flirting and pursue and implement Ethiopia’s national interests and needs based on principles and truth, and have charted the right path.
Therefore, we affirm our determination to fight peacefully in all the world forums we have at our disposal until these directions are effectively implemented and our desire for a permanent sea port receives a peaceful and diplomatic response!
- Our party deeply understands that lasting and positive peace is the basis of our country’s existence and the only guarantee of our universal prosperity. Therefore, the Prosperity Party has decided to wholeheartedly support the process that the inclusive national consultation initiated at this congress is successfully concluded and Ethiopia’s long-standing political crisis is closed, lasting solutions are found to our differences and conflicts, and if possible, we agree on our common vision. It will also work to effectively fulfill the responsibilities expected for the implementation and success of the transitional justice program that has been launched. It has also set additional directions for the dialogue and negotiation with the armed forces that are obstructing our positive and lasting peace to continue.
We have agreed that all the leadership and members will work diligently to prevent conflict and create stability. Therefore, we will all stand together and steadfastly to ensure the peace of our country and to strengthen our national unity by working hard to implement the decisions and directions of our congress!
Next, we, the participants of the Second Congress of the Prosperity Party, have a message and a trust to convey to all Ethiopians and all stakeholders from this eternal symbol of our common sacrifice and victory, the Adwa Victory Memorial Hall.
Dear all Ethiopian people! Your party, Prosperity Party, sincerely believes that the responsibility you have shouldered in the completely peaceful, free, fair, and democratic national and regional elections held on the eve of the first congress, in the dark of night, without the heat of day, with amazing perseverance; with determination, is not a mistake. Our party will honor the responsibility and trust you have given us by ensuring universal prosperity and realizing the Ethiopian dream, by overcoming poverty, deprivation, and humiliation, by permanently changing the lives of citizens, and by building strong institutions and systems.
In this regard, we have created a growth and revival that is impressive to the world in the few years we have spent in this regard and have been able to make our country the 5th largest economy in Africa, the 3rd largest in sub-Saharan Africa, and the 1st largest in East Africa. In the past, when we bravely and proudly defended our national honor, the world recorded us as a failure because of our own mistakes.
Today, however, our party has risen with a firm stance that we will leave our children a legacy, not a debt. Therefore, we must return to the tower of glory that we have won through our own efforts. We can break the national humiliation that poverty has brought us and become a new glory only if we fight and win to make our own history with determination, determination, and a new sense of national patriotism. The biggest burden of making Ethiopia a better place in general falls on the shoulders of us Ethiopians. Therefore, this vision cannot be successful without the approval, full cooperation, and strong participation of the entire Ethiopian people.
Our party has made great efforts to bring out the advanced and revolutionary ideas that it has prepared in the past years to achieve the mission of ensuring the overall prosperity of Ethiopia and to strengthen its internal party capacity, taking them out of the party fence and making them the center of the people’s universal participation and benefit. All the victories we have achieved from congress to congress are due to the trust, support, and participation of the people in our party. It is with great pride and determination that we assure you that we will continue to work with special attention to actively and widely involve the people in all national and local agendas until the next congress.
We, the people of prosperity and all Ethiopians, believe that the change we have initiated will fundamentally solve the complex problems of our country and repair the fractures. Therefore, despite the problems and disadvantages encountered here and there in the process of change, we will continue our struggle by understanding the natural nature of change and seeking a bright future. We recognize that this journey of struggle will be tested by one challenge stemming from the existing political culture and two new challenges that the new era will create itself, and we will always move forward by using our experience of turning challenges into opportunities.
In order to achieve the goal of the struggle we have started to realize the comprehensive prosperity of Ethiopia, we will continue with a spirit of patriotism and courage, building our national unity and maintaining our national unity, considering yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In the process, we will build a strong party and government, contribute our part to the realization of our national dream, and achieve the acceptance and height of our country. We express our sincere respect to all of you who have stood by our party and government in supporting this sacred goal, and we respectfully request that you continue to provide us with the necessary support and cooperation. It is certain that we will not only strengthen Ethiopia by transforming our honorable word into culture, but also lead it to the tower of prosperity!
When we meet in our next congress, we will do more than we were given; we will do more than we were expected; We firmly believe that we will move Ethiopia towards greater overall prosperity. The hope we have seen from our congress is a strong confirmation of this.