South Sudan’s ratification of CFA a testimony to Ethiopia’s successful water diplomacy

Addis Ababa, July 18, 2024 (FBC) – South Sudan’s ratification of the Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework (CFA) marks a significant step for Ethiopia’s water diplomacy and its proposal for the fair utilization of Nile water, scholars told FBC.

Wubshet Sisay, Ph.D., an author of a book on the fair utilization of the Abbay (Nile) water, stated that this milestone demonstrates that Ethiopia is reversing the longstanding hegemonic utilization of the Nile water through diplomacy.

Gizachew Amare, Ph.D., a researcher on African affairs, noted that Ethiopia’s water diplomacy has been strengthened, and its proposals are being increasinglyThe academics also mentioned that countries ratifying CFA will enable Ethiopia to win disputes over the Abbay (Nile) river.

Ethiopia has been carrying out many works in the past years to reach the current level of the Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework (CFA).

In particular, it was stated that the diplomatic work carried out by coordinating countries to ensure equitable benefits is bearing fruits.

Recall that the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) of the Republic of South Sudan has ratified the agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework on Monday, July 8, 2024. This agreement is said to be a significant milestone in the long-standing efforts to ensure equitable utilization and sustainable development of the Nile waters among the riparian states.

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), which celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, has been a pivotal player in advocating for its transformation into a Permanent Nile Basin Organization. The initiative, which began on February 22, 1999, in Dar es Salaam, culminated in the development of the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) after a decade of intense negotiations.

The ratification of the CFA is essential to transition from the NBI, a transitional arrangement, into the Nile Basin Commission, a permanent river basin commission.

The primary objective of the CFA is to ensure the long-term and sustainable management and development of the shared Nile waters. The formation of the Nile Basin Commission would significantly enhance cooperation among the Nile’s riparian states, fostering joint projects and establishing a rule-based administration for the shared river. This cooperative framework is expected to bring immense benefits to each riparian state, including South Sudan.

For South Sudan, the CFA’s ratification aligns with the framework’s main objective of ensuring a fair and equitable distribution of the Nile waters among all riparian countries, it was stated.

The establishment of a legal regime governing the river basin will secure South Sudan’s fair share of water for essential services and development needs. This stable and predictable water supply will support the country’s agricultural growth and ensure reliable water provision.

A recent statement by TNLA mentioned that the ratification of the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework underscores South Sudan’s commitment to collaborative and sustainable management of the Nile waters, paving the way for a prosperous and cooperative future for all riparian states.

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