Somali region cultivates 3,000 hectares of rice for first time

Addis Ababa, June 8, 2024 FBC) – Some 3,000 hectares of land is being cultivated for rice production in two zonal administrations of Somali Region for the first time.

Since recently, large farmlands with various types of crops are being cultivated in pastoralist dominated Somali Region.

Rice cultivation project is one of these encouraging initiatives being implemented in the region.

The rice cultivation launched for the first time on 3,000 hectares of land on experimental stage is expected to produce 45 quintals per hectare.

A resident of Shebele Zone, Abdulkarim Ismael stated that he used to be migrant due to lack of peace in the region.

As the result of the restoration of peace brought by the reform programs in the region he returned to his homestead in Western Somali Zone, Barano district and has managed to cultivate 50 hectares of rice in partnership with other local investors, he added.

Since farming is a new experience for them, Adbulhakim and his associates are extremely excited about it.

“Before this, there was no knowledge about farming in the Somali region. The absence of peace forced us to flee and refuge in other countries. But after the reform, we decided to return back home to start a business. We started farming because we firmly believed that it would help the nation as well as ourselves. We sincerely hope that we will receive sufficient benefits. We’ve been getting seeds and mechanized technologies. There’s not a water issue.”

Mohammed Nur, another young resident of Shebele Zone said getting organized in agriculture cooperatives with other young persons in the area; they have managed to cultivate 25 hectares of rice.

Mohammed Nur noted that as the result of the revival of agriculture production in the zone which was uncommon in the past, the youth in various areas of the region have started to exploit the opportunities created in utilizing the potential natural resources of the zone.

Rice is being cultivated in the region for the first time ever and after assessing the results of the experimental stage, the youth are hoping to expand the cultivation of rice in the zone, Mohammed remarked.

Manager of Western Gode Irrigation Project in Shebele Zone, Abdulwahid Muhadin indicated that 7,600 hectares of land is being covered with a variety of crops in the zone.

Rice cultivation and development which was started in March is gaining momentum in the region, he further noted.

Head of Shebele Zone administration, Abdi Farah told ENA that rice cultivation on 2,000 hectares of land located in three districts of the zone is covered with rice on trial stage.

As part of the plan to successfully launch rice production in the region, stakeholders at federal and regional levels are supporting the project by supplying seeds, agricultural technologies and other inputs, Abdi said.

Chief Administrator of Somali Region, Mustafe Mohammed earlier remarked that the region is making a great leap forward in promoting the agricultural sector.

He further mentioned that efforts underway to cover 3,000 hectares of land with rice in Shebele and Sity zones will continue in a faster pace.

After assessing the outputs of rice production this year, the region is planning to cover 30,000 hectares of land with rice over time, the Chief Administrator noted.

According to the National Rice Development Strategy there is a high tendency of rice farmland increment in Ethiopia particularly in Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz and Oromia Regions.

The government of Ethiopia has now given a great deal of attention to the production of rice as the country imports rice despite its vast potential to harvest the crop by its own.

This pilot farming activity being carried out in Somali region could be considered as additional potential to ensuring food self-sufficiency and enhance export, as per ENA.


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