Shire, Axum towns return to normalcy

Addis Ababa, March 24, 2021 (FBC) -Residents and officials of Shire and Axum towns of Tigray said that the towns are now entered into normal activities after the law enforcement operation in the region.

The inhabitants said despite minor illegal activities including robbery and inadequate provision of humanitarian assistance, the overall situation of the towns has fully returned to normalcy.

The inhabitants have been working in collaboration with the security forces to enhance the peace and stability of their towns, they stated.

One of the residents in Shire town, Nesredin Kedir pointed out that the youth are now working in partnership with the security forces to ensure the peace and stability by preventing illegal activities.

“We are working in collaboration with national defense force and they are also supporting us in controlling the robbery. I think everything has been improving.”

Interim Administrator of North West Zone of Tigray region, Dr. Tewodros Aregay said previously there were crimes including robbery in the town, but now the youth are organized at all Kebele levels and playing a crucial role in monitoring the peace and security of their environment.

“Currently, almost all public and private offices as well as business institutions have resumed their tasks. Banks and telecommunication services are now open. Transportation services have also been available to the various zonal cities. Therefore, service provisions are progressing well.”

According to Tewodros, vital encouraging administrative works are being underway to return and rehabilitate the displaced people located in 13 districts of the zone.

Axum Town resident, Gidey Alem said for his part that the inhabitants of the town are now carrying out their day to day activities peacefully.

“We are now in a better status compared to the previous time as all of the residents having been able to commence their day to day activities. But, some business people are still reluctant to fully open their business due to fear of robbery. Despite the continued inflation, things are becoming normal in Axum.”

Axum town Interim Security Administration Deputy Head, Asgedom Siyoum said measures have been taken to reorganize the security structure in all level in order enhance the overall security issues and to return looted properties to the owners.

“We are extensively working to ensure the peace and security of the town. As a result of the measures taken so far, things are now becoming better and improving. Previously movements of the inhabitants, activities around market places, and hotels among other places were very much limited. But, now the public has entered to normal activities and the situation is very good.”

The residents also stressed the need to enhance the humanitarian assistance to the people who are affected by the crisis, according to ENA.

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