Senior gov’t officials brief Equilibrium Capital co-founder about investment opportunities in Ethiopia

Senior gov’t officials brief Equilibrium Capital co-founder about investment opportunities in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, March 4, 2023 (FBC) – State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Mesganu Arga, along with Fitsum Asefa, Minister of Planning and Development, held a business meeting with the co-founder of a Hungarian-based international firm, Equilibrium Capital, Peter Nagy, yesterday in Doha, Qatar.

The meeting, organized by the Ethiopian Embassy in Doha, focused on the potential of the firm’s investment in Ethiopia’s energy sector through a joint venture. Equilibrium Capital is a firm engaged in the provision of sustainable financing, including in energy infrastructure.

The Ethiopian higher officials briefed the co-founder of the firm about the investment opportunities in Ethiopia, particularly the potentials in the generation of renewable energy and the transmission and provision of electricity services.

They also highlighted the priority given by the Ethiopian Government to equity capital following the opening up of the banking and financial sectors for foreign investors, which is under implementation as part of the Ethiopian Home-Grown Economic Reform.

The discussion also centered on how the firm can collaborate with the Ethiopian Government within the prospects of a public-private partnership, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

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