Russian-Ethiopian relations are the perfect model of multipolar partnership

Russian-Ethiopian relations are the perfect model of multipolar partnership

These civilization-states have always had leading roles in their parts of the world all throughout history, and they’re once again taking up the mantle of leadership when everyone needs their guidance the most. The chaotic transition to multipolarity has prompted plenty of confusion among many across Afro-Eurasia, hence the importance of Russia and Ethiopia clarifying matters for everyone and showing them all the most effective way to manage these unpredictable processes.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s final leg of his African tour took him to the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, which hosts the African Union (AU) and is considered by many to be the continent’s spiritual capital. That’s because Ethiopia is the historical cradle of anti-imperialism and Pan-Africanism, and its people always supported their counterparts’ national liberation struggles all throughout history. This civilization-state is a rising Great Power in the emerging Multipolar World Order and has the distinction of having been Russia’s close partner since both of their imperial periods in the late 19th century.

Russian-Ethiopian relations are the perfect model of multipolar partnership and should be replicated all throughout the Global South. They treat one another as true equals and have always helped each other during their toughest times. Moscow protects Ethiopia at the UNSC from Western plots aimed at infringing on its hard-earned national sovereignty throughout the course of the TPLF-driven Hybrid War of Terror that’s waged to punish that country for its principled neutrality in the New Cold War, while Addis amplifies its shared multipolar worldview with Russia all across Africa.

President Putin’s revolutionary manifesto from last week preaches the need to accelerate the global systemic transition to multipolarity, to which end Lavrov declared several days later that his country will help Africa complete its decolonization processes, ergo one of the purposes of his trip. The highlight of his four-country tour was clearly his press conference in the Ethiopian capital, which wasn’t coincidental since Ethiopia is Russia’s closest partner in Africa and Moscow appreciates the influence that Addis wields across the continent, both in and of itself and also by virtue of hosting the AU.

The Foreign Minister articulated his country’s multipolar worldview in detail and explained the Western origins of the Ukrainian Conflict that’s since unprecedentedly accelerated the global systemic transition. Intrepid readers are welcome to read his remarks in full here, which should be done in order to obtain a deeper understanding of Russian grand strategy during this exciting time in world history. Africa is crucial to the Kremlin’s plans to revolutionize International Relations by making them more equal, fair, and just, which is why it’s dedicated itself to assisting with its full liberation.

Once again, Russian-Ethiopian relations are the model for bringing this about. These two comprehensively cooperate on all levels and their Foreign Ministers pledged to do even more during their meeting in Addis. The Russian Ambassador earlier promised to aid his host’s rehabilitation, which will set the example for how other Great Powers like China and India can help rebuild the war-torn regions of their other African partners. That’ll become all the more important to do in the coming future considering that Africa is expected to become a major battleground in the New Cold War.

In particular, West Africa is poised to see a lot of action since it’s this part of the continent that’s most powerfully under Western influence due to its use of the neo-imperial franc that was forced upon it by its former French colonizer decades ago. The Malian junta unexpectedly became an African pioneer by prioritizing patriotic policies aimed at strengthening their national sovereignty, but it’s precisely for that reason why it’s now being punished by French-backed proxies connected to Al Qaeda, which declared war on Russia just earlier this week.

Guided by its century-long experience in comprehensively cultivating strategic relations with Ethiopia, Russia will be able to support Mali and others as they struggle to complete their decolonization processes. As for Ethiopia, its visionary leadership will continue articulating a distinctly African path for its continental peers to follow as they carve out their place for themselves in the emerging Multipolar World Order. Taken together, the Russian-Ethiopian Strategic Partnership will work to strengthen the sovereignty of African states each in their own way, all with a view towards advancing multipolarity.

These civilization-states have always had leading roles in their parts of the world all throughout history, and they’re once again taking up the mantle of leadership when everyone needs their guidance the most. The chaotic transition to multipolarity has prompted plenty of confusion among many across Afro-Eurasia, hence the importance of Russia and Ethiopia clarifying matters for everyone and showing them all the most effective way to manage these unpredictable processes. This role therefore imbues them with unprecedented global influence, which is being leveraged to help the international community.

That’s why it’s not for naught, nor an exaggeration, to describe their relations as the perfect model of multipolar partnership. Russia and Ethiopia have taken the lead in jointly showing the rest of the world and particularly African nations how to complete their decolonization processes and thus fully liberate themselves throughout the course of the global systemic transition to multipolarity. Their unofficial mission statement to this end was strongly implied during Lavrov’s trip to Addis, and it should give everyone plenty to be excited about for the coming future.




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