Republic of Korea vows to encourage its business people to invest in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, February 25, 2023 (FBC) – Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Korea, Jang Sung Min, affirmed commitment of his government to encourage its business people to invest in Ethiopia.

Jang Sung Min stated that a wide range of activities are being carried out to cement trade and economic partnership between Ethiopia and Republic of Ethiopia.

The two countries have put in place a joint strategic plan to enhance their investment ties, the Special Envoy noted.

The Special Envoy added that he had had discussions with high level officials of the government of Ethiopian on lucrative areas of investment that are attractive to business communities of the Republic of Korea.

He said the the health, transport and manufacturing industry sectors are favorable areas in Ethiopia that investors of Republic of Korea can invest on, adding that he is ready to encourge them to do so.

Jang Sung Min added that currently Republic of Korea investors are enaged in various investment sectors in Ethiopia.

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