Representatives of Ethiopian political parties plant tree seedlings

Addis Ababa, July 22, 2024 (FBC) – In a display of unity and commitment to environmental sustainability, representatives of Ethiopian political parties gathered to plant tree seedlings as part of the Green Legacy Initiative.

The event, which took place earlier this morning, saw leaders and representatives from various parties come together to emphasize the importance of collective cooperation in preserving the environment and achieving national development goals.

Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) launched this year’s Green Legacy Initiative planting cycle last month with the annual theme “A Nation Plants, the Generation Preserves”. The initiative aims to engage all Ethiopians in tree planting activities to combat climate change and promote sustainable development.

During the today’s tree planting ceremony, representatives from political parties stressed that the Green Legacy Initiative is not the sole responsibility of any single party but requires the active participation of all Ethiopians.

They expressed their determination to work together on national development programs, highlighting the importance of unity and collaboration in achieving common goals.

Launched in 2019 by the Prime Minister himself, the Green Legacy Initiative has become a symbol of national unity and a shared commitment to preserving the environment for future generations.

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