Rallies held in several parts of Amhara Region in support of ongoing reform

Rallies held in several parts of Amhara Region in support of ongoing reform

Addis Ababa, April 8, 2024 (FBC) – Residents of several cities, towns and woredas in the Amhara Regional State have taken to streets to show support for ongoing reform in Ethiopia.

Cities, towns and woreda located in West Gondar, North Gondar, South Gondar, Wag Hemra Zone, South Wollo Zone and Oromo Administrative Zone have stated public demonstrations where participants reaffirmed allegiance to the reform that has been taking place in the country since 2018.

Dissie, Kombolcha, Debre Tabor, Sekota, Chefa Robit, Genda Wuha, Debark, Senbete, Harbu and Degan are among the cities and towns that have seen huge gatherings of people who vowed commitment to actively participate in the ongoing development activities and contribute to the journey of the nation towards prosperity.

Demonstrators said that the reform has paved the way for successful completion of mega projects across the nation.

They also lauded the finalization of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) as a historical achievement replicating victories of forefathers and foremothers against foreign invaders.

The demonstrators also condemned anti-peace elements in the country, pledging to contribute their part in building sustainable peace and stability in the country.

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