President Sahle-Work encourages women to peruse leadership positions in field of diplomacy

Addis Ababa, June 24, 2023 (FBC) – “International Day of Women in Diplomacy” was celebrated colorfully on Friday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Sahle-Work Zewde was the chief guest of honour, while scores of ministers, Addis-based ambassadors, high commissioners, representatives of international organizations and diplomats attended the event.

In her address, President Sahle-Work said, women should be represented at both echelons of diplomacy including leadership positions. The President noted, women who want to build a career in the field of diplomacy should have passion and profound interest. She also imparted her rich experience in diplomacy and leadership with the participants.

“Diplomacy requires tenacity and a sense of duty, as such, it requires one to continuously hone skills, learn from others and gradually excel at it, President Sahle-Work added.

Foreign Affairs State Minister, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, noted the fact that practitioners of the profession should cooperate more than ever before.

The State Minister also shared her experience on the time she was serving Ethiopian Ambassador to Canada as well as the chairperson of women diplomats in the country.

She said such engagements have helped her learn from the experience of others and enabled her forge solutions to challenges.

The longest-serving former Ethiopian Ambassador Konjit Sine-Giorgis also shared her experience and seasoned knowledge.

Panelists at the event concurred that a lot can be learnt from the half a century old experience of veteran diplomats like Ambassador Konjit Sinegiorgis.


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