Premier pleased with abundance of wheat production in Borena area

Addis Ababa, August 3, 2024 (FBC) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has expressed his satisfaction with the abundance of wheat production in the Borena area of the Oromia region.

In a message published on his social media page today, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed recalled that Borena area, located in southern part of the region used to be prone to drought and food insecurity.

That story has now changed owing to diligent efforts to enhance agricultural production and productivity, thereby ensuring the country’s efforts to realize food sovereignty.

“Seeing the Borena area, which was hit by famine a year ago, now with an abundance of wheat production, shows that our hope is real. If we work hard, we can change our country and ensure food sovereignty.”

Earlier today the Oromia region chief administrator Mr. Shimels Abdissa has launched the harvesting of wheat crop in the Liben woreda of East Borena region earlier today.

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