PM says Ethiopia continues commitment to rebuilding Tigray region

PM says Ethiopia continues commitment to rebuilding Tigray region

Addis Ababa, May 8, 2021 (FBC) – In a statement issued today, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the government of Ethiopia continues its commitment to rebuilding Tigray and ensuring that citizens in the Region are sufficiently provided for while rebuilding efforts are being exerted.

According to the statement, in the second round of humanitarian assistance, food and non-food items have been delivered for 2.7 million beneficiaries.

Emergency shelters and NFI kits estimated at more than 437 Million Birr supplied for an estimated 245,586 IDPs.

With partners covering roughly 33% of the total requirement, a significant gap exists in non-food items supplies, the statement indicates.

Issue of access to humanitarian support has been adequately addressed with the notification system that is now in place. Some of the pocket areas that were inaccessible are now being reached out through military escort.

Visa extension permits are being granted and a guideline has also been introduced to respond to requests for permits to use communication equipment

The Ministry of Health has been working to operationalize health facilities in the region with provision of emergency supplies. Up to 60 mobile health teams have been established thus far.

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture has allocated B10 Million Birr to strengthen the regional agriculture and natural resource bureaus, with 126,614 quintals of fertilizer from port Djibouti is on progress.

The Ministry of Education has allocated Birr 95 million for reopening of schools and dispatched 1 million face masks to the region.

Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) has been established in Mekele comprising of relevant line Ministries, Regional Bureau, UN-Agencies, bi-lateral and international NGOs.

More than 192 staff members of UN-Agencies, international NGO’s including international media have been provided access.

On recovery and rehabilitation interventions, the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Peace are closely working with EU, World Bank and UNDP in order to rebuild damaged and destroyed economic and social infrastructures in the region.

Finally, the Prime Minister welcomes the international community who have partnered with the Ethiopian government to provide much needed relief.




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