PM calls for shared religious institutionalism

Addis Ababa, May 15, 2020 (FBC) – Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed called up on religious leaders to commit well-built institution based on mutual principles.

The premiere has conferred with Leaders of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church, Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council, Ethiopian Catholic Church, and Ethiopian Fellowship of Evangelical Churches on various issues.

The discussion was focused on peace, social well-being, ethics and sustainable development issues mutually shared by religious institutions.

During the discussion, the premier urged representatives of the religious institutions to create Godly generation servant of the nation and the people based on mutual principles.

The premier stressed a need for formation of strong and perpetual shared institution.

“All regious institutions have leaders enriched with spiritual knowledge, history and age long experiences. However, Ethiopia fails to benefit from such endowment due to lack of shared institution.” the premier underlined.

The institution to be built has a major objective aims to tap immense potentials of the country for national benefit.

The institute will be a voice for the voiceless, participant of peace building and risk management that passes best practices to coming generations, the premier said.

The religious leaders who took part in the meeting agreed up on the key points forwarded by the premier and inquired further discussions on the issue.

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