PM calls for appropriate measures to mitigate COVID-19 economic impact

Addis Ababa, April 21, 2020 (FBC) –Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed has called for all needed measures to alleviate the impact of (COVID-19) on the national economy.

“To mitigate the adverse impact of COVID19 on our economy, it is critical to take measures to protect employment and income, scale up safety net programs to the most vulnerable, maintain the supply chain of key commodities and support the productive sectors of the economy,” he tweeted

“Ensuring agricultural productivity is also critical to our food security. We will ensure uninterrupted supplies of fertilizers, improved seeds, and pesticides to prevent any potential supply shortages.” he added.

“As insufficient public health measures can also prolong the economic crisis, we will also invest heavily in the health system as part of our economic responses.”

Ethiopia has so far confirmed 114 cases, with three deaths and 16 recoveries from the virus.

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