PM Abiy entrusts African youth to engineer the continent’s hope to fruition

Addis Ababa, November 1, 2022 (FBC) – African youth are the ones who engineer what Africa could become by realizing the continent’s potential and looking beyond where it is now, stated FDRE Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed.

PM Abiy attended the closing of the first-ever African Prospective Youth Conference, held at AU HQ, in Addis Ababa.

The Premier, during his closing remarks at the youth conference, challenged African youths to engineer the continents aspirations and endeavors to fruition.

“Pioneers from the past who exemplified Pan-Africanism in their leadership laid the groundwork for this. Our continent’s potential to become conducive to all of its citizens will be enabled, particularly by young African leaders. As a result, I entrust you with bringing Africa’s hope to fruition”, he said.

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