PM Abiy emphasizes importance of continuous learning, skills dev’t in today’s fast-paced world

Addis Ababa, August 12, 2024 (FBC) – In today’s fast-paced world, continuous learning and skills development are more important than ever, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated in his call to stakeholders to embrace the “5 Million Ethiopian Coders” initiative.

“To all students on break, young professionals, and those eager for personal growth and making a positive impact locally and beyond: the 5 Million Coders initiative has been launched to help you stay ahead, regardless of your career stage or goals.” He noted in a message published on his social media page this morning.

He added, “Whether you’re looking to enhance your current skills, learn something new, or prepare for future opportunities, this initiative is designed for you.”

Moreover, PM Abiy Ahmed also strongly encouraged everyone involved in skill-building in Ethiopia—incubators, accelerators, universities, and others—to fully embrace this initiative.

“Our nation’s strength lies in your growth,” the premier stressed.

Recall that Prime Abiy himself launched this initiative last month at the Science Museum as part of the national Digital Ethiopia 2025 strategy aimed at bridging the digital skills gap in Ethiopia.

This project is designed to benefit five million citizens with digital technology training. By 2026, the program aims to equip five million Ethiopian youth with foundational digital skills in Web Programming, Android Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.

The 5 Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative is a collaborative effort between Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates, aimed at training 5 million citizens in digital technology, artificial intelligence, and related digitization skills.

To register for the program, applicants can use this link:

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