Over 300 Israeli scholars, media professionals participate in workshop entitled “Ethiopia to Jerusalem”

Addis Ababa, March 27, 2021 (FBC) – A virtual conference involving participation more than 300 Israeli scholars, media professionals and influential figures along with Ethiopians participated in a virtual workshop held today under a theme “Ethiopia to Jerusalem”.

The workshop has been held focusing at promoting Ethiopia’s ancient monasteries in Jerusalem that include Debre-Siltan Medihanialem and Kidanemihret churches which were built by Ethiopians in a special place called Abyssinian village.

According to Spokesperson Office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the workshop further explored ways how to renovate some old chapels in the monasrties.
Kaggai Erluch, a renowned professor who wrote several books on topics related to Ethiopia and is among the scholars who took part in the workshop.

Such platforms are said to have also their own significant role in enhancing ties between Ethiopia and Israel.

The workshop has been organized by Ethiopian Embassy in Israel in collaboration with a policy research institute in Jerusalem.


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