Nation conducting aerial spraying operations to prevent spread of desert locust

Addis Ababa, February 12, 2020 (FBC) -The Ministry of Agriculture said efforts are underway to prevent the spread of desert locust outbreak into the country from the East African region.

According to Sani Redi, State Minister of Agriculture, further swarms are spreading to the southern, south-western and south-eastern parts of the country.

Moyale, Borena, south Omo, Konso, Arbaminch, Guji and Robe are among the areas where the infestation is increasing in an alarming speed. The swarm is destroying pasture, vegetables and fruits, bushes and forests.

Data from the Ministry of Agriculture show that from 3-5 swarms of locusts, each swarm with a population of 40-80 million, crosses into Ethiopia per day from neighbouring countries

In an exclusive interview with FBC, Sani said aerial spraying operations are underway at border points and three regions affected by the migratory pest.

In addition to aerial spraying, farmers are fighting the swarm using traditional methods, the State Minister said.

The locust swarms, which hit the east African region, could last until June in Ethiopia, he said

A ministerial meeting held in Ethiopia last week called for urgent actions against the worst locust invasion in the east African region.

The desert locust is the world’s most dangerous migratory pest capable of flying up to 150 km a day with the wind.

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