Ministry, partners launch $45M worth of zero-dose multi-sectoral initiative

Addis Ababa, June 11, 2024 (FBC) – Ministry of Health in collaboration with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) launched multi-sectoral initiative worth of US$45 million to reach zero-dose children and communities in Ethiopia.

The initiative is funded by Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

The initiative was launched in Addis Ababa on Monday, 10th of May 2024, in the presence of Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Mekdes Dhaba, UNICEF Country Representative, Abou Kampo, GAVI country office representatives, and other officials.

In her remarks at the launching event, Minister of Health, Dr. Mekdes Dhaba, stated that the initiative will be implemented under the coordination of the Ministry of Health through the cooperation of the Global Vaccine Alliance Initiative (GAVI-CIF) and UNICEF.

Dr. Mekdes pointed out that the initiative supports comprehensive efforts to improve the health and safety of children across the country.

She also asserted that the Ethiopian government is committed to ensure that millions of children receive life-saving vaccines and essential nutritional support.

Of the total 45 million USD announced, it is learned that Gavi-CIF has provided 30 million US dollars to be used for the implementation of the vaccination and nutrition program.

Meanwhile, UNICEF Ethiopia country representative, Abou Kampo, said that his organization has provided 15 million US dollars for the implementation of the project and confirmed that they will support the efforts of the Ethiopian government to improve the health and safety of children in the country.

It was stated that the implementation of the project will increase access to vaccination and nutrition by enabling children in areas where vaccination is not accessible in Ethiopia due to various reasons to get vaccination and nutritious food.

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