Ministry of Foreign Affairs Celebrates Africa Day

Addis Ababa, May 26, 2020 (FBC) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs has celebrated the 57th anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

In a statement issued today, the ministry said Ethiopians celebrate Africa Day with a huge sense of pride and honor as the African people have entrusted them with the privilege to host the OAU and the AU.

“Africa is celebrating this year’s anniversary amid the COVID – 19 pandemic. This is a huge global challenge that can only be addressed through global solidarity.” the statement indicated.

Africa is working together with a unity of purpose in its fight against the virus adding this effort requires greater global solidarity and partnership in which Ethiopia is determined to do its part, the ministry stated.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs further underscored that Ethiopia, as a member of the Peace and Security Council will continue to make every effort to discharge its responsibilities for peace, security and prosperity of our continent.

The day marked the birth of the Organization of African Unity on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa signposting to the culmination of the Pan-Africanist movement which ushered in a new era of unity, solidarity and determination to eradicate colonialism and apartheid from our continent, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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