Ministry announces events for 3rd round homecoming of second generation Ethiopian Diasporas

Addis Ababa, July 16, 2024 (FBC) – The Ministry of Tourism has announced list of activities and events for members of the second generation Ethiopian Diaspora who are coming back to the country of their origin in the third phase of Prime minister Abiy Ahmed’s “Back to Your Origins”.

3rd round of 2nd generation Ethiopian Diasporas home coming has commenced this month and will continue until September 2024 under the theme “Leave Your Legacy, Savor Your Holiday”.

The Ministry today announced that it has prepared an online registration platform for members of second generation Ethiopian Diaspora who wish to participate in various voluntary services in the country through this link

The 3rd installment of 2nd generation Ethiopians homecoming aims at strengthening the bond between Ethiopians leaving abroad to their country of origin as events prepared in this round encourages them to spend their summer vacation exploring Ethiopia and forge a meaningful connection to their root.

While doing so, they are encouraged to take part in key summer giving back initiatives; giving back to the environment through green legacy; and giving back to the community through various voluntarism initiatives.

On July 20-21, they will participate in the tree seedlings planting under PM Abiy’s Green Legacy Initiative. They will also partake in other voluntary activities from July 25 to August 30, 2024. The Ministry further indicated that a three day celebration featuring sporting events, culture and art, and networking with peers has been scheduled for July 20-23.

Furthermore, summer camp has been scheduled from July 15 to August 26. The summer camp for second-generation Ethiopians in the Diaspora aims to deepen their connection to their cultural heritage through activities and experiences celebrating their Ethiopian identity.

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