Meskel Demera celebrations underway nationwide

Addis Ababa, September 26, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopian Christians are celebrating the Meskel Demera festival, the Finding of the True Cross nationwide with various religious and traditional events.

Here in Addis Ababa, the celebration of the festival is taking place in the presence of the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, His Holiness Abune Matias and President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Sahle-Work Zewde.

Minister of Culture and Sports, Shewit Shanka, high-ranking government officials, ambassador of various countries based in Addis Ababa and tourists from several countries of the world are attending the festival at Meskel Square in the capital.

Members of the clergy of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and students of Sunday schools in the capital are singing songs and performing religious rituals commemorating the finding of the True Cross.

Ethiopia’s colorful outdoor religious festival, Meskel/Demera, commemorating the finding of the True Cross, was recognized as an Intangible World Heritage by UNESCO in December 2013.


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