Longstanding bilateral ties between Russia, Ethiopia strengthened based on mutual respect, trust: Ambassador

Addis Ababa, February 25, 2023 (FBC) – Embassy of the Russian Federation in Addis Ababa has marked the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Ethiopia in attendance of ambassadors of various countries and public representatives.

In his remarks on the occasion, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ethiopia, Evgeny Terekhin said that this year marks an important milestone in the history of Russian-Ethiopian cooperation the 125th anniversary of diplomatic relations. 

“In February 1898, Russian envoy P.M.Vlasov, who had arrived in Addis Ababa as the head of a representative mission, which included a military convoy of Cossacks in addition to diplomats, presented his credentials to Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia. All this reminds us once again that diplomacy and the army have always gone “hand in hand” in promoting and protecting Russian foreign policy interests,” Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin remarked.

During the famous Battle of Adua, a group of Russian volunteers under the command of Nikolai Leontiev was in the army of Emperor Menelik II, he said.

“It is also worth mentioning that during the Ogaden War in 1977-1978 Moscow once again supported Ethiopia with arms and military advisers. Of course, interaction between the two countries at that time and especially thereafter was not limited to military assistance but also included extensive cooperation in the industrial, agricultural, energy spheres as well as in education and culture.”

Ambassador Evgeny also stated that the Bahr Dar Polytechnic College now University was built with the assistance of the USSR, adding that more than 20 thousand Ethiopian students have received higher and specialized education in Russia.

Saying that the two countries have longstanding cooperation in the areas of education, health and science, industry, agriculture, among others, the Ambassador added that the Dejazmach Balcha Hospital of the Russian Red Cross has been operating in Ethiopia for 75 years.

The current stage of the Russian-Ethiopian partnership is highly commendable, he said adding that Moscow and Addis Ababa are maintaining an intensive political dialogue at the highest level, and interparliamentary contacts between the two countries are intensifying, and humanitarian cooperation and interaction through public diplomacy are expanding.

“We highly appreciate the restrained and rational approach of Addis Ababa to the most acute international problems of our time, and today, as in the past, our countries speak from the same or similar positions on international platforms, as well as support each other,” the Ambassador underlined.

“Throughout the long history of our bilateral relations, based on traditions of friendship, mutual respect and trust, Ethiopia has been and remains one of Russia’s key partners in Africa,” he noted.

“Having stood the test of time, we can say that our cooperation has toughened up and strengthened, and has now taken on a multifaceted, mutually beneficial partnership character. That is why we are are optimistic about its future,” the Ambassador added.

Eshete Tilahun, European and American Affairs Director General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for his part, said Ethiopia attaches great value and importance to its unique relations with Russia; and it is not just historic but practical as well. The Russian Federation has been on Ethiopia’s side through thick and thin, he stressed.

For these and other practical reasons, Ethiopia attaches great value and importance to its unique relations with Russia.“Our relation is not just historical but practical as well.

Ethiopia values its relation with Russia in the fields of education, science and national defense.

We highly appreciate Russia’s strong principled position and support during the United Nation’s Security Council meeting on Ethiopia,” he underlined.

Russia also stood on the side of Ethiopia against the colonial invasion of Italy in 1896 and when the Eastern part of Ethiopia was invaded by the then government of Somalia in 1977, the director general stated.

It is to be recalled that Russia came to the aid of the Abyssinian Empire during the Italian aggression back in 1895 by sending 30,000 rifles and 5,000 sabers to help the Ethiopian army and a mission of Russian Red Cross arrived in the country to deliver medical support to the sick and wounded.

An ensemble from the Republic of Dagestan of the Russian Federation has presented Russian songs and musical performances on the event organized to mark 125th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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