Lockdown eases across most of Europe

Addis Ababa, May 11, 2020 (FBC) – Across Europe, countries are easing the lockdown, hoping that it will not lead to a second wave of infections.

France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, UK, Denmark and Poland are among the nations easing restrictions, according to BBC.

In France primary schools will start with small numbers of pupils today, and clothes shops, bookshops, hair salons and florists will reopen. Restaurants, cinemas and bars will remain shut.

In Belgium, most business will open on Monday albeit with social distancing. Restaurants, bars and cafes remain closed.

In the Netherlands, primary schools will partially reopen today. Libraries, physiotherapists, driving schools and hairdressers will also open.

In Switzerland, both primary and middle schools will reopen but classes will be reduced in size. Restaurants, bookshops and museums can also open but with certain restrictions.

In some regions of Spain, gatherings of up to ten people will be allowed and outdoor spaces at restaurants can reopen with social distancing measures.

In the UK, England will ease some of the lockdown measures this week, but other parts of the UK will keep stricter guidelines.

In Denmark, shopping centres can reopen on Monday while in Poland, hotels can reopen this week – although foreign tourists would still have to quarantine for two weeks.

Other European countries like Germany, Austria and Italy have already begun easing their restrictions.

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