KOICA launches Rural Agricultural Value Chain Improvement Project in Ethiopia

KOICA launches Rural Agricultural Value Chain Improvement Project in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, August 10, 2022 (FBC) – Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Ethiopia Office launched a project having two components entitled “Rural Agricultural Value Chain Improvement Project through Linking Smallholder Farmers with Rural Transformation Center” with a budget of 8 million USD. 

The project launched on Monday has two-components aimed at enhancing the capacity of Unions in terms of their organizational and storage management of

agricultural products and improving the operational capacity of Motta Rural Transformation Center (RTC) and equipment support respectively.

The two components were launched with the presence of representatives from government organizations, donors, and other stakeholders. These components will be managed by a Korean Consultant, leading the way for the transfer of knowledge and experience sharing in the area of Agro-Industry Park Management.

On the day, the Country Director of KOICA Ethiopia Office stated that the project would assist in tackling the problem associated with the availability of quality agricultural raw material supply to agro-industries. He also stated that this project is part of a bigger commitment by KOICA as the strategic Country Plan of the office supports the flourishing of the agro-industry sector in Ethiopia.

Efa Muleta, Advisory State Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture noted on the day the project will highly contribute to the government strategy of attaining economic transformation by encouraging the commercialization of smallholder farmers and supporting the development of the Agro-Industry sector. 

He noted that for the agroindustry the main problem is a lack of sufficient and quality raw material. This project will solve these drawbacks by enhancing quality through post-harvest management and increasing the efficient collection of input from farmers to provide to the industries within the Integrated Agro-Industrial Park.

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