ISA vows continued support for Ethiopia to achieve Solarization

ISA vows continued support for Ethiopia to achieve Solarization

Addis Ababa, August 2, 2023 (FBC) – Demeke Atnafu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to the Republic of India, met with Ajay Mathur (PhD), Director General of International Solar Alliance.

During the meeting the two sides discussed about the need to further strengthen cooperation and collaboration that existing between ISA and Ethiopia to accelerate Solarization program in Ethiopia.

Ajay Mathur briefed about the status of the implementation of the three agreements ISA signed with Government of Ethiopia such as establishment of the Solarization Program in Ethiopia, Solarization of Water Pumping for Irrigation and Drinking Water Supply in Ethiopia as well as Solar Technology Application Centre (STAR-C)

Ambassador Demeke extended profound gratitude and appreciation for ISA’s commitment to assist Ethiopia to achieve accelerated Solarization through its envisaged solar parks and solar pump projects in Ethiopia.

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