IPDC CEO commends activities to create investor-friendly environment in Kombolcha Industrial Park

Addis Ababa, July 29, 2024 (FBC) – Fisseha Yitagesu, CEO of the Ethiopian Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC), expressed optimism regarding the pursuit of excellence in Eco Industrial Park at Kombolcha Industrial Park.

During his visit, the CEO reviewed ongoing operations and toured various manufacturing facilities within the park, engaging in meaningful discussions with both local and international investors.

In these discussions, Fisseha shared insightful ideas on critical topics such as job creation, export promotion, import substitution, and established priorities for addressing key issues and implementing necessary actions.

He emphasized that the investor-friendly environment and the green development initiatives undertaken by the industrial park will significantly contribute to the country’s green legacy program.

In addition to the industrial park tour, activities related to the Green Legacy Initiative were also conducted.

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