Addis Ababa, August 25, 2021 (FBC) – Director of the National Intelligence and Security Service, Temesgen Tiruneh has pledged concerted actions to eliminate terrorist group and put an end to their destructive ideology once and for all from Ethiopia.
“The TPLF Junta dreamt of disrupting the central government by mobilizing its lapdogs it dubbed “Federalist Forces”, but, things have gone the other way around as all Ethiopians stand in unison against it,” he said.
Terrorist TPLF squandered all the opportunities was given by the government and the people at large, and held illegal election, attacked the northern command of the National Defense Force and invaded several parts of the Amhara region, Temesgen explained.
Some western powers tried to rescue the terrorist group by meddling in Ethiopia’s internal affairs, and equipped the criminal enterprise with communication devices, medicines and supports in the guise of humanitarian operation. But all failed due to Ethiopians’ gallant struggle against all the internal and external pressures.
Now Ethiopians stand in union to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation there by put an end to the terrorist groups perpetrating to dismantle the country, he added.