IFC commits to strengthen partnership with Ethiopia

Addis Ababa February 6, 2023 (FBC) – Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission Lelise Neme has met with the newly appointed Country Manager of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for Ethiopia, Malawi and Zambia Madalo Minofu.

EIC Commissioner Lelise Neme also held a discussion with IFC County Manager and senior operations officers.

According to Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), during the meeting Commissioner Lelise Neme appreciated IFC’s investment and support to Ethiopia.

Commissioner Lelise requested the continuation of IFC support to the commission in investment policy and promotion, aftercare, human and institutional capacity building, EIC stated.

IFC County Manager on her part reassured the Corporation’s commitment to further strengthen the partnership with Ethiopia and the EIC, it added.

It is to be recall that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has appointed Madalo Minofu as its new Country Manager for Ethiopia, Malawi, and Zambia in October 2022.

By: Yonathan Yoseph

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