ICRC recognizes ENDF’s professionalism in avoiding urban warfare

ICRC recognizes ENDF’s professionalism in avoiding urban warfare

Addis Ababa, December 5, 2022 (FBC) – The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) professionalism that is demonstrated by its shunning of urban warfare and avoiding civilian casualties and destruction of cities has got recognition from the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), a high-ranking officer said.

ICRC hosted the Senior Workshop on International Rules Governing Military Operations (SWIRMO), in Bali, Indonesia, from 20 – 26 November 2022 in which Ethiopia participated.

Addressing the media yesterday, ENDF International Relations and Military Cooperation Director-General Major General Teshome Gemechu stated that the ICRC has acknowledged Ethiopian army’s achievement in handling the conflict without civilian casualties and destruction of cities.

EPA quoted Maj.-Gen Teshome as saying: “The secret behind the successful operation is that ENDF is well aware of international law coupled with the government’s guidance.”

Mentioning his discussion with ICRC Vice-President Dr. Gilles Carbonnier, Maj. General Teshome indicated that the committee highly commended ENDF’s obedience to international law that demands risk minimization during conflict.

The operation undertaken by the ENDF during the northern conflict complies with the international law of minimizing risk.

The one-week workshop has gathered senior  military officers from around 80 countries and exchange experiences and views on the application of the law of armed conflict and human rights law in operational contexts as well as the international legal framework applicable to modern military operations. Sessions discussed during SWIRMO cover topics such as warfare in urban settings, partnered military operations and command responsibility, it was learned.

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