HPR approves land release, compensation, and resettlement proclamation

Addis Ababa, June 26, 2024 (FBC) – The House of Peoples Representatives of Ethiopia (HoPR) approved a proclamation for Land Expropriation, Compensation Payment, and Resettlement.

During its 34th regular session held on Tuesday 25th of May, the House approved the amended proclamation by a majority vote with 4 objections and 6 abstentions after extensively discussion.

Chairperson of the Urban, Infrastructure and Transport Affairs Standing Committee, Shewit Shenka, presented a report on the proposed proclamation. She noted that the revised proclamation clearly defines the authorities and responsibilities for resettling and rehabilitating displaced people.

The chairperson also explained that the proclamation includes provisions to ensure development projects are carried out efficiently and without delay. The new system is intended to reduce delays caused by court disputes and inappropriate compensation claims.

The chairperson of the Law and Justice Affairs Standing Committee, Etsegenet Mengestu, stated that the previous compensation system was vulnerable to corruption, and the displaced do not receive adequate compensation.

However, the amended proclamation will ensure proper utilization of government and public resources, the Chairperson stated.

As the highest courts will hear appeals from people who feel they have not been fairly compensated, the amended proclamation will not create issues in the justice system, she added.

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