HPR approves federal gov’t budget for 2023/24 fiscal year

Addis Ababa, July 6, 2023 (FBC) – During its 28th regular session, the FDRE House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) today approved 801.65 billion Birr as the Federal government budget for 2023/24 (2016 E.C) Ethiopian fiscal year.

After reviewing the report and recommendations of the Planning, Budget and Finance Standing Committee on the draft budget for the 2023/24 Ethiopian fiscal year, the House has approved the proposed bill with a majority vote and 1 abstention.

Recall that the Council of Ministers has endorsed the 801.6 billion Birr draft budget for the 2023/24 Ethiopian fiscal year during its 21st regular session on June 6, 2023, and referred it to the House of Peoples Representatives.

It was stated that It is stated that the 2023/24 (2016 E.C) fiscal year draft budget of the federal government has been prepared from the outlook of maintaining national, helping citizens displaced by natural and man-made disasters, rebuilding the infrastructure damaged due to conflicts, and achieving the directions and objectives of social and economic transformation that may occur in the future. It is also presented based on the 2023-2027 (2016-2020 E.C) medium-term macroeconomic and fiscal frameworks.

In conformance to this view, the budget bill was presented as 369.6 billion birr for the regular expenses of the federal government, 203.9 billion birr for capital expenses, 214.07 billion birr for support to the regional states, and 14 billion birr for the implementation of sustainable development goals with a total of 801.65 billion birr.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed delivered explanations and responded to several questions asked on economic, social and political issues by members of the parliament regarding the federal government’s 2022/23 fiscal year performance report during the House’s session this morning.

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